Positive Minds

Positive Relations

Positive Leadership

Positive Business





Denmark’s First Business Coach – More Than 35 Years’ Experience

Get What You Want!

Let me show you how!
Just book a free session below.

Stuck or Maxed Out?

Are you stuck in life, want to break free and take it to the next level?
Or have you maxed out and want to scale your business?
As an entrepreneurial business owner I understand you, and I’ve the solution.

Mindset mindshift paradigm shift coach Kasper T. Larsen, mba _ ErhvervsCoach.dk _ Thinking into results & success

Get Your Solution Now!

1. Book a free success call
2. Get the success formula
3. Take a quantum leap


If you don’t, you already have the answer.
Why not try our method if yours don’t work?

Faster Than You Can Imagine

More than 80%
make big changes in just 6 weeks!

And in just 6 months,
I’ll help you unlock peak performance,
lead with authenticity, and
take your business to the next level with lasting success—
without sacrificing your wellbeing or relationships.

Day One or One Day?

Why wait?
Do you want to look back on your life and see how fantastic it could have been had you just taken this free chance?
Or do you want to see what the best version of you can achieve?
Write your own legacy today!

Free Session


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Most ideas are stillborn!
And there are two types of people.
There are leaders and there are victims.
Leaders take responsibility and action because their goals are stronger than their excuses.

You can read more below, but book your call today.
Below I’ll tell you more about the how, the mission, the story, your coach and examples.
Let me know how it resonates with you?
Because I’m here out of commitment and not just interest.

How does the coaching work at ErhvervsCoach

Below explains how we do it, the mission, the story, your coach and examples.

At ErhvervsCoach you are the hero ✨

It’s easy to create a successful life or business that you hate and to get stuck.

The thing that got you to where you’re, is unfortunately the same that stops you from the next level – something invisible, like a glass ceiling.

Like the fly you get stuck behind the window and you cannot pull yourself up by the hair.

Trying harder is just going to stress and burn you out.

You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete. ~ Buckminster Fuller

In fact, that quote changed my life … and many other people’s lives.

With the right tools, a little direction and some coaching, you’ll become the hero in your own story and the legacy that you get to write today.

But to get to the next game level, you’ve got to get by this invisible villain.

Let me show you how!

Next level ✨

Ready to scale your business or career while living a life of purpose and fulfilment?

How about taking your mindset and personal development to a whole new level?

Let me help you connect deeply with yourself and become the authentic leader you were born to be – master your mind, achieve peak performance, exponential growth, and lasting success, without sacrificing wellbeing or relationships.

How ✨

First I’ll help you improve your performance, wellbeing and relationships within just 6 weeks, so you can focus on your business and get results with more flow and ease – by self-regulation and self-leadership.

Then I’ll take you through a proven program to set and achieve a really ambitious business goal with full spectrum success within just 6 months – as a side effect of a mindset shift and positive leadership.

On the way you’ve the possibility to find your true self – presence, peace, purpose and prosperity.

Finally, you get a certificate in leadership and the whole toolbox, so you can keep on elevating your life, relationships, and business – and leave the legacy you dream of.

What ✨

I’m an existential life and business coach – specialised in mindset, relations and leadership.

I do personal coaching in a business context and business coaching on a personal level – inside out.

About ✨

I’ve more than 35 years of experience in working with all kinds of areas and industries, men and women, all ages and nationalities, and from the top to the bottom. I’m also trained in many areas and have self-paid education(s) for more than $800K.

Niche ✨

My niche is, nonexclusive, midlife male tech leaders – entrepreneurs, business owners, partnerships, leadership teams, groups, projects and sales people … who want to understand the mind of their people and customers to create long term compound relationships with increased mutual value.

Why ✨

I’ve only one purpose in life and that is to help you get what you want.

I could retire by now, but as an entrepreneurial business owner in the consulting and personal development industry, I have been through much, both good and bad. It would be a shame not to pass on this experience and knowledge. And hey, by the way … this is what I love doing!

For my whole life I have been looking for the master key.

Now I know the answer, behind the answer.

It is within you, and I want to show you how to unlock your potential and possibilities for happiness, health and wealth – personally as well as the society.

Future ✨

Our future relies on entrepreneurship and our children!

Our business owners take big risks, carry a lot of responsibility and pay a high price on a daily basis with their lives – and their relationships, partner and children bear the human cost. They are the real heroes of the world. Planting trees in the shadows of which they’ll never sit. Carrying out visions nobody can see or believe, until they’re real.

All men dream: but not equally. Those who dream by night in the dusty recesses of their minds wake in the day to find that it was vanity: but the dreamers of the day are dangerous men, for they may act their dreams with open eyes, to make it possible. ~ T. E. Lawrence

The reality is complex and complicated, but the solution is simple.

It took four generations, and 50 years of my own life, to crack the code.

With one system, I now help you make results predictable and success inevitable without sacrificing wellbeing or relationships.

And if you are challenged within wellbeing and relationships, I’ll also gladly contribute with my specialised knowledge and experience here too.

Change ✨

My clients and I’ve used these methods in many areas within self-leadership and leadership. Personal, relational and professional.

I’ve e.g. 2x’ed, 3x’ed and 10x’ed my business. Released 10 kilos of fat, gained a healthy and happy lifestyle of alcohol free living, attracted a dream partner etc.

It has helped clients out of habits and addictions that required a deeper and more permanent mindset shift like codependency, substances, porn and infidelity.

It has helped clients get out of troubles with ex’es, gain rights to their children, change jobs or improve careers and find their dream partner.

Manage worry, doubt, fear, stress, anxiety, grief, depression, indecision and procrastination. Find direction, meaning and hope. Improved self-image, self-love and confidence.

Found purpose and reached goals. Became a leader in their industry. Established businesses within a week. Ended personal morass and got out of locked professional partnerships and within six months having established big and prosperous companies. Made millions. Consolidated unprofitable businesses, set new focus and established new services, sold and made it profitable, even before the products were finished. Got salary increases of more than 25%. Toke a leap to the C-suite. Et cetera, et cetera, et cetera. It’s all up to you.

That’s all great, but at the end you learn that it is not the only thing and that the thing you seek may have a deeper layer to it. And that you don’t need everything at once to succeed.

Success is the progressive realisation of a worthy ideal ~ Earl Nightingale

The greatest is probably to learn how to master you mind, control your thoughts and govern your feelings. To know how to think and bring order to your mind. Become the one you truly want to be. No longer to be controlled by the outside. To realise that love and happiness is not conditioned. To start living from the inside out and upside down. If I could just show you that, would you be willing to work with me?

Success without happiness is failure ~ Tony Robbins

If you want what we have and you are willing to be open, honest and do the work, there’s a possibility. We are always stronger with the support of others and together we can do what we could not do alone.

Mission ✨

I’m good at helping people make fast results, and I’m looking for long term partnerships and lasting success.

Therefore I chose my clients before they chose me. That’s why I offer a free assessment. But it goes both ways and it is a 100% commitment, where every win and challenge is a part of the growth process. Failure is not an option. We either win or learn and win. And if you’re willing to take one step, I’m willing to take four, but is you who has to do the walking.

In that way my mission is to help 100 business owners to 10x their results and contribute a minimum of 1 billion to society, while they are creating beautiful family lives and great futures for their children and employees.

I want to invite you into this success story, write your own legacy and become the hero who did this with full spectrum success and fulfilment.

Imagine how that would look for you?

You and I ✨

On the journey of entrepreneurship, business, leadership and self-leadership, we all get stuck from time to time – so ask yourself:

Are you somehow stuck or maxed out?

Because, then I truly get you, and I have worked with many entrepreneurs, business owners, tech leaders and sales people who have been in the same situation.

I have not only just read the book or seen the movie. I’ve been through it myself and I’m trained by the best in a direct lineage that goes four generations  back.

I’ve grown up in a family of creatives, entrepreneurs and business owners. Myself, my father and my grandfather. With all the advantages and challenges there is in that and these families.

Growing up in Denmark, traveling the world and being an expat. Living well as well as on a stone, in the big cities as the countryside. Studying 12 hours in an attic in Paris, with just a madres, chair, table and lamp. Working with my bare hands in demolition, construction, underground and underwater. As well as my higher mental faculties. With people, materials as technology.

In my spare time I’ve been doing anything from sports, rappelling, parachuting and having overcome fear of water by deep, night, wreck and cave diving. Walking in nature and camping.

I’ve also been on psychological, spiritual, body, healing, mindfulness, meditational and tantric journeys. Differents fellowships and groups. And I also serve as an intercessor.

I’m not important and it’s not about me. People just want to know a little about their coach. And I get that.

Your intention ✨

It’s only a question about where you’re, where you want to be and what you’re ready for:

Maybe you’re here because you’re stuck … or maxed out?

Maybe you’re here to fix some problems, develop your leadership, grow your business or get work-life balance … and maybe you are open for more?

Maybe you have already attained family, wealth, independence, career, achievement, adventure, fun and respect … or maybe not quite yet?

Maybe you’re closing the first chapter of your life, making the transition … or about to write the second chapter of your life?

Maybe you’re in the search for … full spectrum success (fulfilment), transition (self-realisation, self-actualisation and becoming the best you), meaning (spirituality), serenity (presence and peace), forgiveness (resentment and reconciliation), letting go (your childhood, the past or some grief), connectedness and relatedness (a new definition of family, groups and belonging or just breaking free of isolation), purpose (your real one), growth (personal leadership, self-confidence, communication, empathy, personal, emotional and relational development), self-esteem (value and self-love), personal relationship (love, intimacy and fidelity), truth (authentic and truthful living), health (self-regulation, habits, sleep, exercise, nutrition, weight, stress, alcohol etc.) … or unfolding/balancing your masculinity/femininity?

Experience ✨

Many clients have worked with me to…

Improve their performance, wellbeing and relationships to refocus on career or business – to lead the life they really want and to live from the inside out and upside down.

Reduce their stress, boost their happiness, bump up their energy, get confidence, grow empathy, and improve their relationships and leadership skills – many by 80% within just 6 weeks.

If you unleash your mental leadership powers you can achieve unparalleled business success with more flow and ease.

Reset your mindset for new successes and get exponential results.

It’s never too late, but a year from now, you will regret that you didn’t start today.

Business ✨

I’ve worked at many levels and in many areas including caretaking, psychiatry, rehab, production, construction, HR, IT, tech, finance and management consultancy at the Big Five.

Business wise I cover most areas like organisation, systems, strategy, leadership, teams, projects, processes … but most business owners know their profession and just need some coaching to break free and take it to the next level.

But it’s not going to happen if you keep doing what you have been doing on your own, would you agree?

When I first started working with my mentor, he made it very clear to me that it was impossible to shift results on my own from my current level of awareness. I needed to see myself from his level of awareness if I was ever going to change anything.

There are people who make things happen. People who watch things happen. And then there are the people who wonder what happened. Ask yourself where you want to be in that game? Are you a lead or a follower?

Imagine ✨

What do you really want?

Imagine that we’re having a conversation after working together for e.g. 6 months and your goal was already achieved, what would your life be like?

Reflexion ✨

Who and how would you like to be?
How would you like to feel?
What would you like to experience?
What kind of life, relationship, business or career do you want to lead?

What keeps you up at night?
What gets you out of the bed in the morning?
What’re you thinking the most of the day?
Are your results controlling your thinking or your thinking controlling your results?

Who’re you really?
What’s your purpose?
What can the best version of you achieve?
What do you desire to do, have and give?

How serious are you about achieving your goal?
What do you think needs to change in order to achieve your goals?
Why’s now the time to make these changes?
What’s the price of doing nothing?

Invest in yourself ✨

Invest in yourself or nobody else will.
Investing in yourself is your engine of happiness, health and wealth.
Learn and earn:

The rich invest their money and spend what is left; the poor spend their money and invest what is left. ~ Jim Rohn

The best investment you can make is an investment in yourself. The more you learn, the more you earn. ~ Warren Buffett

The best investment by far is anything that develops yourself, more than ever when inflation surges, nobody can take it away and it’s not taxed at all. ~ Warren Buffet

This is not just an investment in yourself. This is an investment in your future, relationships and legacy. This is an experience for life. And you’re already paying for life with life.

Success ✨

Success is not a secret!
There is no secret to success.
There is a system to success.
When you learn the system, you can get success in anything you want.
Let me teach you that system?

ErhvervsCoach ✨

ErhvervsCoach Kasper T. Larsen, MBA 
Consultant, coach, psychotherapist & supervisor
Mindset, meditation & yoga teacher

Leadership inside out
35 years’ international experience
Trained by the best
Proven methods
100% invested in your success

First business coach in Denmark 
We make results predictable and success inevitable


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Hvis du kan fortælle os, hvad du ønsker.

Så kan vi vise dig, hvordan du kan få det!

Tænk dig til resultater med Thinking Into Results

You have to create the love, the happiness, the wealth within yourself. It starts with your thinking. ~ Bob Proctor

Er det dine resultater der styrer dine tanker eller dine tanker der styrer dine resultater?

Kender du det?

Du har allerede prøvet selv og er træt af det. Træt af, at være træt af det. Online programmer og gratis webinarer. At læse bøger og fumle rundt. Kursus efter kursus. Jo længere du venter, jo dyrer bliver det. Problemerne forsvinder heller ikke af sig selv.

Her er en metode der virker, fordi den går bag om det der skaber resultaterne. Den er for alle. Rig som fattig. Ung som gammel. Privat som erhverv. Leder som medarbejder. Og den kræver hverken intelligens eller uddannelse. Men her får du samtidig en uddannelse og et diplom med i hånden.

Nothing works until you do!

Alle kan skabe resultater og succes, med lethed, hvis de kender hemmeligheden. Faktisk har mange af historiens mest succesrige mennesker ingen uddannelse. Men de kender hemmeligheden og mestrer systemet. Pr. natur eller fordi vi har lært dem det.

Turnarounds på 3 måneder

Vi kan også lærer dig det på tre eller seks måneder. Samtidig med at du skaber resultater og return on investment.

Evidens, videnskab, psykologi og universets love

Systemet er internationalt efterprøvet samt baseret på videnskab, psykologi og universets naturlove. Programmet, metoden og alle værktøjerne er skabt på baggrund af en arv, der går fire generationer tilbage i en lige linje af verdens mest succesrige personer samt studier af tusindvis af eksperter – professionelt, relationelt, personligt og spirituelt. Helt tilbage til år 18’hunderede.

Helt unikt coachingforløb

Jeg har aldrig set noget lignende og jeg har ellers prøvet meget. Selv har jeg en lang og rig livserfaring, flere skolinger samt privatbetalt uddannelse for over kr. 5,5 mio. Bag mig står en række af verdenens førende eksperter, mentorer og coaches. Alt dette og mit fulde engagement er dit, hvis du ønsker succes og er parat til at betale forandringens pris.

Thinking Into Results for ledere, medarbejdere og teams

Live by design med Thinking Into Results er både for private og erhverv samt teams, ledere og medarbejdere. Læs mere om:

• Team coaching

• Leder coaching

• Medarbejder coaching

• Thinking Into Results

Få mere lethed, glæde og succes i dit liv!
Lad os lære hinanden lidt at kende.
Drik en kop kaffe med mig over telefonen.
Lad mig høre lidt om dine pain-points.
Fortæl os hvad du ønsker.
Så vil vi vise dig hvordan du får det.

Thinking Into Results

Personal • Relational • Professionel

Paradigm shifts • Turnarounds • Quantum leaps

Mindset mindshift paradigm shift coach Kasper T. Larsen, mba _ ErhvervsCoach.dk _ Thinking into results & success _ FBGC-5




Forstå problemet og find din løsning med coaching

You are the only problem you will ever have and you are the only solution. ~ Bob Proctor

You and I have the decision to decide what we are going to be with our life! Or we can let the paradigm control us and march along in lockstep type fashion. ~ Bob Proctor

Der er noget usynligt og ubevidst der bremser dig i de resultater og den succes du drømmer om. Som stopper dig i at udfolde dit potentiale. Det er samtidig det, der hele tiden taler dig ud af det – og trækker dig tilbage til status quo. Jeg ved hvad det er og hvordan du takler det.

Nothing works unless you do ~ Maja Angelou

Permanent forandring, vedvarende excellente resultater, konstant vækst, personlig udvikling, selvbillede, selvkærlighed, selvtillid, selvledelse, ledelse, projektledelse, samarbejde, kommunikation og succes – starter indefra og ud. Det, manifestation og resultater starter i sindet og de mentale programmer, som styrer dine perceptioner, tanker, muligheder, visioner, følelser, energier, kommunikation, adfærd, handlinger og resultater.

Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate. ~ C.G. Jung

Alle kan manifestere og de gør det hele tiden. Men få ved hvordan. Fordi de ikke mestrer processen og deres bevidsthed samt er styret af deres sanser og paradigmer – går det galt. De skaber aldrig det de ønsker, saboterer sig selv, mister det eller tager tilbagefald. Oftest manifesterer de det modsatte af det de i virkeligheden ønsker. Det sker helt ubevidst. De færreste forstår deres virkelighed, det usynlige fængsel de er fanget i og kan ikke forestille sig noget bedre. De stiller sig tilfredse med middelmådigheden og smerten. Men du er her, fordi du vil mere og bedre.

Only 2% of people think, 3% think they think, and 95% would rather die than think. ~ Dr. Kenneth McFarland

Med coaching hos ErhvervsCoach® får du bevidsthed, inspiration, støtte, udfordring, ny viden, en anden vinkel og mere energi. Vi hjælper dig til hurtige beslutninger, fokus og målrettet handling, så du får succes og de resultater du i virkeligheden ønsker.

Du vil bl.a. kunne lære en international anerkendt metode, der totalt kan forandre dig, dit liv, sundhed, relationer, karriere, forretning, økonomi og resultater på 3-18 måneder – reboot, turnaround og kvantespring.

Succes ikke en tilfældighed. Succes er et system. Success handler i mindre grad om at gøre bestemte ting og i højere grad om at gøre dem på en bestemt måde. En del af det handler således om at lære universets spilleregler for succes.

A very basic law of the universe is “create or disintegrate” ~ Bob Proctor

Lær at forstå systemet og få kontrol over dine mentale fakulteter, tanker, følelser, reaktioner, vaner og resultater. Skab din egen vision. Gør succes til et system og en vane. Hvordan vil dit liv så være? Hvad kan du skabe derfra? Hvad drømmer du i om? Og hvad ville det være værd for dig? Hvad mister og undgår du ved ikke at gøre det?

Successful people are influenced by the desire for pleasing results. Failures are influenced by the desire for pleasing methods and are inclined to be satisfied with such results as can be obtained by doing things they like to do. ~ Albert E.N. Gray

Alternativet til succes og kvantespring kender du – hamsterhjulet. Mere af det samme. Hårdt arbejde og stress. Små inkrementelle fremskridt. Dulmen og tilbagefald. Det er hverken rart eller behøver at være sådan.

It is easier to adjust ourselves to the hardships of a poor living than it is to adjust ourselves to the hardships of making a better one. ~ Albert E.N. Gray

Alt er energi og alt er i bevægelse. Der er faktuelt intet der står stille. Alt vokser eller stagnerer og dør. Du og livet går enten frem eller tilbage. Så hvad vælger du?

Work hard at your job and you can make a living. Work hard on yourself and you can make a fortune. ~ Jim Rohn

Lige nu er du blot ikke der du gerne vil være. Måske er du stagneret på toppen, havnet i selvtilfredshedens middelmådighed, en midtvejskrise eller accepteret mistrivsel, stress, angst, depression, udbrændthed, alkoholproblemer, parforholdsproblemer, utroskab… ramt glasloftet, fyret, stødt næsen mod frygtmuren, fanget i psykologisk modstand… Du sidder fast, mangler motivation, vision, retning eller mål. Dit formål i livet er uklart. Men vi har metoden. Der findes en vej og vi er parat til at guide dig i mål.

Science and psychology have isolated that one prime cause for success or failure in life. It is the hidden self-image you have of yourself. ~ Bob Proctor

Hvordan kan det blive bedre end det – hvis dit mentale program, paradigme, self-image og mindset ikke forandres? Altså din opfattelsesevne, tankevirksomhed, overbevisninger, identitet, selvværd og vanekompleks m.v. Hvad hjælper det at opgradere programmet, hvis styresystemet er det samme?

You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete. ~ Buckminster Fuller

Vil du prøve noget nyt og anderledes med større lethed? Hvis din metode ikke virker, så prøv vores!

Find dig selv og dit formål – purpose. Skab et paradigmeskifte. Sæt udfordrende mål og nå dem. Opbyg dit selvbillede, styrk din selvtillid, skab en vinders attitude og optimer dit mindset. Skab lederskab i dit eget liv. Få resultater og succes med universets love. Frigør dit potentiale, luk gabet mellem alt det du ved og de resultater du ikke får. Forstå hvordan tankens kraft skaber resultater. Lær at manifestere det du ønsker. Gør succes til en vane ved hjælp af coaching.

Få mere lethed, glæde og succes i dit liv!

If you really want to do something, you’ll find a way. If you don’t, you’ll find an excuse. ~ Jim Rohn 

“Få mere lethed, glæde og succes i dit liv!”

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Find ud af hvor du står, hvad du ønsker og book en gratis samtale.
Ring +45 61661900  

    Lev efter dit eget design med coaching

    The best part of changing your life and results is the person you become.

    Mindset mindshift paradigm shift coach Kasper T. Larsen, mba _ ErhvervsCoach.dk _ Thinking into results & success _ Live by design

    Dine mentale programmer styrer dit liv

    Med dit nuværende mindset, kan du kun opnå permanent forandring og succes ved disciplin, hårdt arbejde, stress og inkrementelle fremskridt. Det er skæbnen for de fleste mennesker, teams, projekter og virksomheder. Over 50% har allererede stress (Gallup).

    Det er som fluen der flyver mod  vinduet, til den brænder ud. Dens mindset og paradigme tvinger den til gentagelse af det den ser, tror og kan med tiltagende anstrengelse, til den bukker under, selvom den kan se at det ikke virker.

    Men med det rette paradigme og et mindset sat op for success, kan kan du nemt og hurtigt lykkedes med du du vil. Resultater og succes er nemlig kun 5% indsats og 95% mindset – de mentale programmer, som skaber din virkelighed og resultater.

    Du ved at dit potentiale er langt større

    Du har allerede gjort dig forsøg med hårdt arbejde samt inkrementel middelmådighed, svingende eller dårlige resultater, via dine gamle mentale paradigmer. Men hvorfor affinde dig med det og lade det stoppe dig? Hvorfor ikke et paradigmeskifte – mindshift, reboot, turnaround & quantum leap? Hvorfor ikke lære at lade de 95% af dit ubevidste mindset gøre det hårde arbejde for dig? Og hvorfor ikke frigive mere end de 10% af dit potentiale?

    ErhvervsCoach® er din Gps til success

    Sammen kan vi det, du ikke kunne alene. Personligt, relationelt og professionelt. Hos os får du en personlig coach, mentor og guide, så du kan blive den bedste version af dig selv, helten i dit eget liv, manifestere hvad du ønsker og aktualisere dine drømme. Så du kan leve efter dit eget design, i stedet for skæbnen.

    Et mindshift med ErhvervsCoach®

    Indtil du gør det ubevidste bevidst, vil det styre dit liv og du vil sandsynligvis kalde det for skæbnen. Du kan aldrig forandre noget ved at bekæmpe den eksisterende virkelighed. Det skaber blot mere kamp, modstand og udmattelse. Hvad du sender ud, får du tilbage. Det er en af universets naturlove.

    Du er nødt til at konstruere en ny arbejdsmodel, som gør den eksisterende forældet. Forandre dit paradigme og du vil forbedre dine resultater. Gør dig parat til et paradigmeskifte og få resultater – som kan overgå din vildeste fantasier.

    Selvindsigt, beslutning, forandring og resultater

    Successful people make decisions quickly and firmly. Unsuccessful people make decisions slowly, and they change them often. ~ Napoleon Hill

    Den hurtigste vej til forandring, er at tage en beslutning. Du skal i første omgang ikke forandre dig selv, men din beslutning. Tag straks en beslutning om at nu er det nok – enough is enough. Erkend blot at din metode ikke virker, for så sad du ikke her, og beslut dig så for at prøve vores. Den virker. Ring så og få en snak, så vi kan koble dig op på et af vores forløb. 

    Tag ansvar og forpligt dig i dag til en ny virkelighed og bliv en bedre version af dig selv. Kræv dit liv og kontrollen tilbage. Lad ikke omverdenen, konditioner og omstændigheder, tilfældigheder, impulser og dårlige vaner råde over dit liv. Lad heller ikke din gamle psykologiske personprofil bestemme over dig og dit liv.

    Som coach og psykoterapeut har jeg i mange år hjulpet folk med deres problemer, men psykoterapi og alm. coaching er langsomme metoder, som kun giver sparsomme fremskridt.

    Når vi er kommet over på den anden side af fx udfordringer, problemer, stress, angst, depression, misbrug og krise, har vi stadig vort gamle mindset, paradigme, personprofil og adfærd imod os.

    Tag gerne et kig på din egen personprofil med en gratis DISC Personprofil, en JTI/MBTI Persontest. eller en Enneagram Typetest. Det kan være god indsigt, men det skaber ikke forandring. Det er noget du i princippet må lære at leve med. Eller er det?

    Et paradigmeskifte med ErhvervsCoach®

    Du behøver ikke at være slave af din omverden, fortid, personprofil, det du har fået imprentet eller det du har blidt digselv ind. Med mindshift coaching kommer du ind bag det hele – det der i sidste ende styre dig, din psyke, adfærd og resultater. Med mindshift coaching hos ErhvervsCoach® lære du at foretage det der hedder et paradigmeskifte.

    Self-image psychologi med ErhvervsCoach®

    Vi arbejder samtidig med det paradigme, der er den del af mindsettet, som er dit selvbillede – self-image psychology. Det er nogle af de absolut stærkeste værktøjer, og i en kombination kan du både lære at leve efter design og at designe dig selv i din egen personlige eller ledelsesmæssige transformationsproces, så du kan blive den bedste version af dig selv. Det er en sikker vej til resultater og succes, da dit selvbillede er et selvopfyldende profeti og din inde Gps til success.

    Du er kun en beslutning fra dit dit mål

    Lev efter design i stedet for skæbnen. Skab en plan for livet, arbejdet og parforholdet. I stedet for være en del af de andres plan. Spring logik, undskyldninger, alibier og overspringshandlinger over. Ring nu!

    There’s a difference between interest and commitment. When you’re interested in something, you do it only when it’s convenient. When you’re committed to something, you accept no excuses; only results. ~ Kenneth H. Blanchard

    Ring til ErhvervsCoach® på +45 61661900 og få en uforpligtende dialog om dine muligheder.

    Beslutning er den vigtigste forudsætning for succes

    Remember, no more effort is required to aim high in life, to demand abundance and prosperity, than is required to accept misery and poverty. ~ Napoleon Hill

    Verdens mest succesrige mennesker har været uenige om mange ting, men de er alle enige om én ting – hurtige og vedholdende beslutninger er den sikre vej til succes.

    Så udskyd ikke til i morgen, hvad du allerede kan beslutte i dag. Om et år ville du ønske at du startede i dag. Hvad er der at miste? Det du gør i dag, er alligevel med livet som indsats. Så skal det være én dag eller i dag? Eller vil du hellere prøve en gang mere selv? Husk at vindere gør, andre prøver. Læs mere om Thinking Into Results eller få en gratis indledende coachingsamtale på telefon +45 61661900 

    Nyhedsbrev om coaching

    Så får du noget at tænke over!

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